
TUBI — The Social Media Platform

TUBI enables clients to publish photographs and videos, and the content would be secured by encryption techniques, while the copyright would be overseen and regulated. The platform would have an advertisements framework without harming user experience. The platform would not take commission from the ads revenue, users can be compensated from shared ads revenue by their content views. TUBI’s goal is to benefit the user and the protection of the content ownership. Features of TUBI 1.Attract high quality content High quality, attractive contents benefiting from copyright protection & shared ad revenues,Ethereum Smart Contract can help with ownership of photos without engaging an agency which saves a lot of time for both parties. 2.Value continues to increase Users can Send TUBI to other users. Receiving rewards: Blockchain would record it when users get reward from every likes and content sharing. Market Analysis of TUBI Until the end of 2017, there will be


Plentix is ​​a blockchain-based project that aims to balance the referral economy and spread awards to all participants. Merchants, users, friends, even app developers may receive an award in the form of a discount or a Plentix token. The choice to propose ICO instead of traditional seeds and A series funds through venture capital allows community participation and the opportunity for everyone to reap the benefits of a global referral economy. Decentralized And Automatic A decentralized and distributed Blockchain system — providing businesses and developers with a structure to keep the platform free while, at the same time, allowing a large number of developers to build it. Intelligent contract automation — allows programmers to easily plug and play with supported software, enabling cost reductions with easy scaling and automation capabilities. By using distributed and distributed infrastructure, Plentix provides programmers and businesses with a collection of APIs and open-


MoBee:  VIRTUAL CAR OPERATOR WORLDWIDE https://mobeetel.co/ The main objective of the MoBee project is to create an international mobile mobile carrier with its own crypto currency for payment.  Initially, customers can receive mobile services in the crypto currency role. The MoBee project offers an associate MBE Token title that may be truly supported by mobile services, an area supported by the number of major customers and the demand for mobile services generally. InStream moneybox offers MoBee customers the possibility to get mobile services in exchange for an MBE token as well as additional opportunities to manage funds in customer accounts.  This simple, effective solution has been developed to meet the common interests of customers, mobile operators and telecom experts. The MoBee project uses a unique scheme, in which the ecosystem of the project is divided into 3 parts: the MoBee Virtual Operator itself, the NetWorx Platform and the MoneyBox DiStream. THE M

ICO ThinkCoin

  WHAT IS THINK COIN? ThinkCoin is a cryptocurrency designed to allow day-to-day trading of financial products and digital trading tokens that support the TradeConnect network. By applying blockchain in the trading world, ThinkCoin allows users to trade forex, commodities, stocks, and other financial products in a simple, safe, and easy to use way. The Trade Connect goal is to use the security of blockchain technology to enable users to securely trade financial assets around the world. With ThinkCoin, trades are completed quickly. Trade Connect will allow users to trade any asset with other merchants around the world. Using a hybrid trading model, where trade is processed outside the chain but recorded on the chain using smart contracts.   PROBLEM / PROBLEMS TANG CAN BE ADVISED BY THINKCOIN Trading systems are stuck in models and structures that are old and decades old. ThinkMarkets ThinkCoin's parent company has grown in this world, but new technology has created new opportuni